Week 7: Discussion

1. Why is the title called "Chameleon"?

- A chameleon is a reptile that changes its body color to make them invisible. Sometimes it is their form of adaptation to the environment. The television commercial is entitled “Chameleon” because Cam (the main character) is always changing her lifestyle and personality based on her boyfriend. She believes that having the same interests, hobbies, and wants is the key to having a perfect relationship. As simple as it is, like a chameleon, they both change to adapt to their surroundings. 

2. Which specific instances in the video showed that Cam lost herself?

- For me, Cam lost herself from the beginning until the 3rd boyfriend she had. It is obvious that every time she changes her appearance, how she dresses, and her personality is clear evidence that she is not in her true form. I believe that changing a part of your personality is also changing and letting go of something you are because you are not in your own personality. Maybe Cam found herself after her last breakup with the rockstar guy. The last scenes showed that she already dresses and orders food according to her will, and not depending on her partner or somebody else.

3. Why is it important to know yourself first? How does it affect your relationships with: a) yourself; and b) others?

- Popular wisdom tells us that healthy self-esteem is a prerequisite for a healthy relationship—that without sufficient self-love, we're not capable of truly loving others. Loving yourself is seeing yourself as a whole. Focusing more on what you know you’re capable of rather than how other people see you. It is knowing how to deal with your darkness. It is knowing how to respond to the ugly parts of life. As your self-love increases, your tolerance for negativity, and disrespect decreases, and these toxic relationships just won’t be worth your time and energy anymore. Anyway, you can end up ruining a perfectly good relationship if your relationship with yourself isn’t there yet. When you don’t know how to keep yourself happy, and only gain happiness from your relationship, you’re putting a lot of pressure on your partner to constantly keep you happy. 

4. What are your important realizations/learnings from the video?

- We should never change our personality as it pleases the other partner. That we should love and accept each other as we are, not as we hope the other to be or to become. I still believe in the proton and ion, the opposite attracts. If ever we will be together soon then all we have to do is adjust to our differences. I know all of us are aware that there's no perfect relationship. But I believe that if we are complete enough, then we can get through all of those imperfections. We must always remember that “if he/she loves me, he/she should accept me for what I am” because that is the true definition of having a perfect pair and relationship.


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